cov khoom

  •  High Quality 99% Scarlet acid CAS No 134-47-4 WhatsApp:+8615705216150

    Siab Zoo 99% Scarlet acid CAS No 134-47-4 WhatsApp: +8615705216150

    Khoom npe: 6,6'-Ureylene-bis (1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid)
    Synonyms: -bicarbazole;-diphenyl-3,3';6,6'-Ureylene-bis(1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid);-Bis(chloromethyl)-2,2';-Tetrabromo bisphenol a 99+% ;-Dihydroxy-5,5';6,6';-Ureylene-bis (1-naphthol-3-sulfonic acid)
    CAS: 134-47-4 Nr
    MF: C21H16N2O9S2
    PIB: 504.49
    PIB: 205-142-9
    Khoom Categories: Intermediates ntawm Dyes thiab Pigments
    Mol File: 134-47-4.mol
    Khoom siv: Nws yog ib qho nruab nrab rau azo dyes, siv los ua cov txiv kab ntxwv ncaj S, ncaj qha acid-resistant scarlet 4BS, thiab lwm yam.
  • High Quality 99% 2-Aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid 2-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid 81-16-3 WhatsApp:+86-15705216150

    Zoo 99% 2-Aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid 2-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid 81-16-3 WhatsApp: +86-15705216150

    English alias: 2-Amino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid;2-aminonaphthalene-1-sulphonic acid;2-Naphthylamine-1-sulfonic acid;2-aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonate
    CAS Nr .: 81-16-3
    PIB: 201-331-5
    Cov mis mos molecular: C10H8NO3S
    Molecular Luj: 222.241
    InChI = 1/C10H9NO3S/c11-9-6-5-7-3-1-2-4-8(7)10(9)15(12,13)14/h1-6H,11H2,(H , 12, 13, 14)/p-1
    Khoom npe: 2-Aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid

    Synonyms: 2-Naphthylamine-1-sulfonic acid;Tobias acid

    CAS Nr .: 81-16-3

    PIB: 201-331-5

    Cov mis mos molecular: C10H9NO3S

    Molecular Luj: 223.25

    Cov tsos mob: Dawb crystalline hmoov

    Melting point: 180 ° C

    Qhov ceev: 1.502 g / cm3

    Assay: 99% min

    2- naphtyylaminesl: 0.01% max

    noo noo: 1% max

    Ntim: 25Kg / nruas lossis raws li xav tau

    Daim Ntawv Thov: Pharmaceutical Intermediates
  • MIT -IVY Manufacturers make competitive prices J acid Dye Intermediate J acid   2-amino-5-naphthol-7-sulfonic acid CAS:87-02-5 WhatsApp:+86-15705216150

    MIT -IVY Manufacturers ua tus nqi sib tw J acid Dye Intermediate J acid 2-amino-5-naphthol-7-sulfonic acid CAS: 87-02-5 WhatsApp: +86-15705216150

    Lub npe khoom: J acid; J acid (2-amino-5-naphthol-7-sulfonic acid) yog ib qho tseem ceeb dye intermediate rau kev tsim cov azo dyes thiab tuaj yeem siv rau hauv kev tsim khoom ntawm Double J acid, scarlet acid thiab phenyl J acid, lwm.
    Daim ntawv thov: Dyestuff Intermediates
    Cov tsos mob: lub teeb daj hmoov
    CAS Nr .: 87-02-5
    Cov mis mos molecular: C10H9NO4S
    Molecular Luj: 239.25
    Cov tsos mob: grey rau xim av hmoov

    Kev xa khoom

    Kev Xa: Kev thauj mus los yuav yog DHL, UPS, TNT, EMS, Fedex, thiab lwm yam.
    Rau kev txiav txim loj, nws yuav xa los ntawm huab cua lossis hiav txwv.
    Nyob ntawm koj qhov chaw nyob, thov tso cai 1-5 hnub ua haujlwm rau koj qhov kev txiav txim tuaj txog.
    Rau kev txiav txim me me, thov cia siab tias 3-7 hnub los ntawm UPS DHL EMS.
    Rau kev txiav txim loj, thov tso cai 5-8 hnub los ntawm Cua, 15-30 hnub los ntawm Hiav Txwv.

    Tuam txhab

    MIT -IVY Kev Lag Luam Co., Ltd.yog ib lub chaw tsim khoom thiab cov tub luam ntawm cov tshuaj rau 16 xyoo uas tau tsim nws tus kheej 4 factories nrog ua tiav cov cuab yeej tsim khoom thiab kev tswj xyuas zoo thiab kev saib xyuas cov tshuab.Peb siv cov thev naus laus zis ntau lawm thiab cov txheej txheem xeem kom paub txog kev tsim khoom, kev tswj xyuas kom ua tau raws li tus qauv.Peb tau txais kev pom zoo los ntawm SGS, ISO9001, ISO140 01, GB / HS16949 thiab T28001.


    Peb muab kev pabcuam rau koj ib-nres logistics kom ntseeg tau tias cov khoom tuaj txog sai thiab nyab xeeb.

    Lub ntim ntawm cov khoom feem ntau yog ua los ntawm lub hnab ntim thiab lub tog raj kheej, thiab cov txheej txheem ntim khoom koj xav tau kuj tuaj yeem ua tiav raws li tus neeg siv khoom tshwj xeeb.


    1. Koj cov nqe lus them nqi yog dab tsi

    T / T lossis L / C, D / P, D / A, WU, MG.

    2. Koj lub sijhawm xa khoom yog dab tsi
    Feem ntau peb yuav npaj cov khoom xa tuaj hauv 7-15 hnub.

    3. Yuav ua li cas txog kev ntim khoom
    Feem ntau peb muab cov ntim raws li 25 kg / hnab lossis thawv.Tau kawg, yog tias koj muaj cov cai tshwj xeeb rau lawv, peb yuav ua raws li koj.

    4. Thaum twg kuv tuaj yeem tau txais Teb

    Peb tus thawj tswj hwm cheeb tsam yuav tiv tauj koj sai li sai tau hauv 24 teev ib hnub ua haujlwm!

    5. Yuav ua li cas txog qhov siv tau ntawm cov khoom
    Raws li cov khoom koj xaj.

    6. Cov ntaub ntawv twg koj muab
    Feem ntau, peb muab Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA, Health certificate thiab Origin certificate.Yog tias koj cov kev lag luam muaj cov kev cai tshwj xeeb, qhia rau peb paub.

    7. Daim ntawv pov thawj twg koj tuaj yeem muab tau

    Raws li cov khoom sib txawv, peb muaj ntau daim ntawv pov thawj xws li: Halal, Kosher, Haccp, GMP, Iso, Organic Certificate

    8. Qhov chaw nres nkoj yog dab tsi
    Feem ntau yog Shanghai, Qingdao lossis Tianjin.
  • Top quality N-Methyl-N-Hydroxyethyl Aniline with CAS: 93-90-3 WhatsApp:+8615705216150

    Tom ntej: N-Methyl-N-Hydroxyethyl Aniline CAS: 93-90-3 WhatsApp: +8615705216150

    Lub teeb daj oily pob tshab kua.Me ntsis soluble hauv dej, soluble hauv ethanol thiab ether.
  • Best quality N-Methylaniline with CAS:100-61-8 in stock  WhatsApp:+8615705216150

    Qhov zoo tshaj plaws N-Methylaniline nrog CAS: 100-61-8 hauv Tshuag WhatsApp: +8615705216150

    N-methylaniline alias: methylaniline;methylaniline;toluidine (sib xyaw)
    Khoom: xim tsis muaj xim rau reddish xim av oily flammable kua.
    Melting point: -57 ℃
    Kub taw tes: 196.25 ℃
    Solubility Me ntsis soluble hauv dej, soluble hauv ethanol, ether thiab chloroform.

    Txoj kev khaws cia:
    Kev ceev faj rau kev khaws cia Khaws rau hauv qhov chaw txias, qhov cua nkag rau hauv tsev rau khoom.Khaws kom deb ntawm qhov hluav taws kub thiab cua sov.Khaws lub thawv kaw kom nruj.Nws yuav tsum tau muab cais los ntawm oxidants, acids, thiab edible tshuaj, thiab tsis txhob sib tov cia.Nruab nrog qhov tsim nyog ntau yam thiab ntau ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob.Qhov chaw cia khoom yuav tsum tau nruab nrog cov khoom siv kho mob thaum muaj xwm txheej ceev thiab cov ntaub ntawv tsim nyog.
    Lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb:
    1. Siv los ua ib qho nruab nrab hauv cov organic synthesis, acid absorbent thiab hnyav, siv hauv kev lag luam dyeing rau cationic ci ntsa iab liab 5GN, cationic liab FG, cationic liab B, reactive daj xim av KGR, reactive daj xim av KGR, reactive ci ntsa iab xiav X-BR , Kev tsim cov tshuaj tiv thaiv txiv kab ntxwv K-2RL, kua qaub xiav BR, thiab lwm yam.
    2. Siv los ua raw khoom rau dyes, explosives, thiab lwm yam thiab hlau preservatives.Nws kuj yog siv los ua kom cov octane naj npawb ntawm cov roj av thiab ua cov kuab tshuaj.
    3. Siv cov organic synthesis thiab ua cov kuab tshuaj.

  • High quality 2-Ethylaminotoluene;N-Ethyl-o-toluidine;CAS:94-68-8     mit-ivy industry company

    2-Ethylaminotoluene; N-Ethyl-o-toluidine; CAS: 94-68-8 mit-ivy kev lag luam tuam txhab

    2-Ethylaminotoluene; N-Ethyl-o-toluidine; CAS: 94-68-8
    J Acid Urea tam sim no muag ntawm 30% luv nqi

    Lub Hoobkas muab N-Ethyl-o-toluidine CAS 94-68-8

    whatsapp: +86 13805212761

    mit-ivy kev lag luam tuam txhab

    Cov ntsiab lus ceev
    CAS Nr .: 134-47-4
    Hom: Agrochemical Intermediates, Dyestuff Intermediates, Flavor & Fragrance Intermediates, kws tshuaj intermediates, Syntheses Material Intermediates
    Muaj peev xwm muab khoom
    Muaj peev xwm muab khoom: 500 Metric Tons / Metric Tons ib hlis twg
    Ntim & Xa khoom
    Ntim Paub meej 25kg -plastic-woven hnab
    Chaw nres nkoj tianjin
    Lub npe tshuaj: Sodium 6,6'-ureylene bis (1,1'-naphthol) 3,3'-sulfo
    2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, 7,7'-ureylenebis [4-hydroxy-(8CI);
    CAS Nr.Ib: 134-47-4
    Cov qauv qauv:
    MF: C21H16O9N2S2
    PIB: 504.50
    Siv: Siv ua azo nruab nrab.Feem ntau yog siv rau kev npaj ncaj qha txiv kab ntxwv S thiab ncaj qha acid-pov thawj ci-liab 4BS
    Ntim: 25kg -plastic-woven hnab
  • Wholesale high quality Ethylbenzyltoluidine Cas 119-94-8 with favorable price WhatsApp +8615705216150

    Lag luam wholesale zoo Ethylbenzyltoluidine Cas 119-94-8 nrog tus nqi zoo WhatsApp +8615705216150

    Ethylbenzyltoluidine, CAS NO: 119-94-8, molecular mis: C16H19N, molecular hnyav: 225.3288.Siv rau hauv cov organic synthesis.
    Qhov ceev: 1.02g / cm3
    Melting point: 161-162 oC
    Kub taw tes: 362.2 ° C ntawm 760 mmHg
    Lub teeb taw tes: 147.1 ° C
    Vapor siab: 1.96E-05mmHg ntawm 25 ° C
    English alias: N-Ethyl-N-(3-Methyl Phenyl)-Benzenemethanamine;N-Benzyl-N-ethyl-m-toluidine;N-benzyl-N-ethyl-3-methylaniline;N-benzyl-N-ethyl- 4-methylaniline;N-ethyl-N-benzyl-m-toluidine
  • China factory manufacture N-BENZYL-N-ETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE CAS 119-94-8 with best price  WhatsApp +8615705216150

    Tuam Tshoj Hoobkas tsim N-BENZYL-N-ETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE CAS 119-94-8 nrog tus nqi zoo tshaj WhatsApp +8615705216150

    Ethylbenzyltoluidine ceev Cov ntsiab lus
    Lub npe tshuaj: Ethylbenzyltoluidine
    CAS Nr .: 119-94-8
    Molecular Famula: C16H19N
    Molecular Luj: 225.33
    Cov tsos mob: daj mus rau lub teeb xim av kua
    Kev Ntsuas: 99% min
    Ethylbenzyltoluidine Siv: Siv los ua ib qho nruab nrab rau cov kua qaub xiav 90, 91, 109 thiab lwm yam dyes
    Ethylbenzyltoluidine Ntim thiab Shipping
    Ntim: 250 kg nruas
    Kev xa khoom: los ntawm huab cua, los ntawm hiav txwv, los ntawm courier
  • Favorable price N-Ethyl-N-hydroxyethylaniline Cas 92-50-2 with best purity WhatsApp:+8615705216150

    Tus nqi zoo N-Ethyl-N-hydroxyethylaniline Cas 92-50-2 nrog purity zoo tshaj WhatsApp: +8615705216150

    N-ethyl-N-hydroxyethyl aniline, CAS NO: 92-50-2, molecular mis: C10H15NO, molecular hnyav: 165.2322.Siv los ua ib qho nruab nrab rau dyes thiab organic pigments.
    Cov ntaub ntawv lub cev: daj rau xim av muaju.
    Lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb: siv dyeing thiab organic pigment intermediate
    Qhov ceev: 1.046g / cm3
    Melting point: 33 ° C
    Kub taw tes: 278.5 ° C ntawm 760 mmHg
    Lub teeb taw tes: 131 ° C
    Vapor siab: 0.00204mmHg ntawm 25 ° C
  • Made in china best quality99.8% in stock china  3-Ethylanilinopropiononitrile CAS 148-87-8 WhatsApp:+86-15705216150

    Ua nyob rau hauv Suav teb zoo tshaj plaws 99.8% hauv Tshuag Tuam Tshoj 3-Ethylanilinopropiononitrile CAS 148-87-8 WhatsApp: +86-15705216150

    Cov ntsiab lus ceev
    CAS Nr:.
    148-87-8 ib
    Lwm Lub Npe:
    EINECS No.:
    148-87-8 ib
    Qhov Chaw Keeb Kwm:
    Shanghai, Suav
    Agrochemical Intermediates, Dyestuff Intermediates, Flavor & Fragrance Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Intermediates, Syntheses Material Intermediates
  • 2021 spot factory supplies high-quality N, N-diethyl metatoluidine CAS: 91-67-8 WhatsApp:+86-15705216150

    Tuam Tshoj 2021 Chaw tsim tshuaj paus khoom zoo N, N-diethyl metatoluidine CAS: 91-67-8 WhatsApp: + 86-15705216150

    Lub npe tshuaj: N-Ethyl-3-methylaniline
    CAS Nr .: 102-27-2
    Synonyms: N-Ethyl-3-methylaniline
    Molecular Famula: C9H13N
    Molecular Luj: 135.21
    Cov tsos mob: daj daj oily kua
    Kev ntsuas: 99%
    Yam Khoom
    Khoom Specifications
    Pleev daj oily kua
    Kev ntsuas 99%
    Kev siv
    intermediate ntawm cov xim tsim tawm kuj tuaj yeem siv los ua cov xim nruab nrab
    Khoom npe: N-Ethyl-m-toluidine
    N-Ethyl-3-methylaniline;N-ETHYL-META TOULIDINE

    Cov Khoom Muag: Lub Hoobkas muaj ntau cov khoom hauv Tshuag, thiab tuaj yeem npaj cov khoom xa tuaj raws sijhawm.

    Zoo: COA thiab MSDS rau txhua yam khoom hauv khw muaj.

    Tsheb thauj mus los: Hiav txwv & Cua.

    Kev Pabcuam Cov Neeg Siv Khoom: Peb muaj cov neeg siv khoom zoo, yog tias koj muaj kev txaus siab rau peb cov khoom lossis koj xav tau cov lus hais, thov hu rau peb, peb yuav muab kev pabcuam rau koj raws sijhawm.

    Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: Txog 7 hnub.

    Kev Them Nyiaj: Western Union, Bitcoin, Trade Assurance Order, Paypal, T / T.
  • Top quality free sample N,N-Diethyl-m-toluidine with CAS : 91-67-8  WhatsApp:+8615705216150

    N, N-Diethyl-m-toluidine nrog CAS: 91-67-8 WhatsApp: +8615705216150

    N, N-diethyl meta-toluidine, English lub npe: 3-Methyl-N, N-diethyl aniline, CAS NO: 91-67-8, molecular mis: C11H17N, molecular yuag: 163.2594.

    1. Khoom: tsis muaj xim lossis lub teeb daj ua kua.

    2. Ceev (g/mL, 25/4 ℃): 0.923

    3. Relative vapor density (g/mL, air=1): tsis txiav txim siab

    4. Melting point (ºC): Tsis tau txiav txim

    5. Boiling point (ºC, ib txwm siab): 231

    6. Boiling point (ºC, 5.2kPa): tsis txiav txim siab

    7. Refractive Performance index: 1.5361

    8. Flash point (ºC): Tsis tau txiav txim siab

    9. Kev sib hloov tshwj xeeb (º): tsis txiav txim siab

    10. Auto-ignition point lossis ignition kub (ºC): tsis txiav txim siab

    11. Vapor siab (kPa, 25ºC): tsis txiav txim siab

    12. Saturated vapor siab (kPa, 60ºC): tsis txiav txim siab

    13. Kub ntawm combustion (KJ/mol): Tsis txiav txim siab

    14. Qhov ntsuas kub tseem ceeb (ºC): tsis txiav txim siab

    15. Lub siab tseem ceeb (KPa): tsis txiav txim siab

    16. Logarithmic tus nqi ntawm roj-dej (octanol / dej) muab faib coefficient: tsis txiav txim

    17. Upper tawg txwv (%, V / V): tsis txiav txim siab

    18. Tsawg tawg txwv (%, V / V): tsis txiav txim siab

    19. Solubility: miscible nrog ethanol thiab ether.

    Cov khoom no yuav tsum tau muab cia rau hauv qhov chaw txias thiab tsaus.
    Nws tau ntim rau hauv cov nruas hlau nrog qhov hnyav ntawm 185kg.Khaws thiab thauj raws li cov tshuaj lom thiab cov nplaim taws

    Lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb:
    Dye intermediates.Nws yog siv los tsim tsis muaj zog acid ci ntsa iab xiav BA thiab lwm yam dyes.Nws kuj tuaj yeem siv los ua cov yeeb yaj kiab zoo CD-2 rau kev tsim xim.