xov xwm

lo lus tseem ceeb


Roj av; Cov tshuaj ntxiv; Aniline; Gas chromatography;



CAS: 100-61-8
N-MethylAniline NMA PACKING: 22.5 net TONS ISO TANK lossis IBC 1000KG

peb 1000 hli / ton

Kev Them Nyiaj: TT 50% ua ntej, tshuav nyiaj li cas los ntawm kev xa khoom

MIT-IVY INDUSTRY yog cov khoom lag luam organic intermediates hauv Suav tebqhov chaw nyob hauv suzhou nroog ANHUI privince.Zoo siab txais tos rau peb lub Hoobkas.


  1. Kev taw qhia Vim muaj kev txwv ntawm kev siv roj av hauv tsev thiab kev siv thev naus laus zis, cov khoom siv roj ua los ntawm cov refineries tsis tu ncua hauv kev ua lag luam yog cov khoom tsis txaus, uas ua rau cov khoom siv roj sib xyaw ua kom muaj dej ntau hauv khw. Cov roj av tsis tu ncua feem ntau yog sib xyaw nrog cov tshuaj tsw qab naphtha (lub teeb roj) ua cov khoom siv raw. Txawm li cas los xij, hauv keeb kwm yav dhau los ntawm cov khoom siv raw khoom siab thiab ua kom tau nyiaj ntau tshaj plaws, aniline compounds feem ntau siv los ua cov khoom siv roj av tsis zoo. Txhawm rau ua kom cov txiaj ntsig zoo ntawm cov roj av nrog cov khoom siv ntxiv ua tau raws li lub teb chaws lub tsheb roj av tus qauv, piv txwv li, ntxiv 1% (feem feem ntau) N-methylaniline tuaj yeem nce tus lej octane los ntawm 2-4 units [1]. Txawm li cas los xij, aniline additives muaj peev xwm ua rau muaj kev phom sij rau kev txav mus los thiab kev nyab xeeb ntawm tsheb, thiab N-methylanines yog cov khoom siv nitrogen, uas yuav ua rau muaj kev nce ntxiv hauv cov ntsiab lus ntawm nitrogen oxides hauv lub tsheb tso tawm, ua rau muaj kev phom sij rau huab cua puag ncig thiab tib neeg kev noj qab haus huv. . Cov khoom tseem ceeb ntawm aniline additives suav nrog aniline, N-methylaniline, o-methylaniline, p-methylaniline, m-methylaniline thiab N, n-dimethylaniline. Tam sim no, feem ntau tshaj tawm txoj hauv kev rau kev tshawb nrhiav cov tshuaj methylaniline suav nrog naphthalene diethylamine spectrophotometry, roj chromatography-nitrogen chemiluminescence nrhiav tau, kev ua haujlwm siab ua kua chromatography, thiab lwm yam. [2-4]. Cov tshuaj naphthalene diethylamine spectrophotometry cuam tshuam nrog kev txiav txim siab vim qhov tshwm sim ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv sab, thiab HPLC txoj kev yog inevitably cuam tshuam los ntawm kev cuam tshuam ntawm roj av matrix.


Cov pa roj chromatograph-nitrogen chemiluminescence nrhiav kom tau txoj kev xav tau kev npaj cov khoom kim heev nitrogen chemiluminescence ntes uas tuaj yeem xaiv cov nitrogen. Tsis ntev los no tau tsim tawm (tseem tsis tau luam tawm) lub teb chaws tus qauv "Gas Chromatography rau Kev Txiav Txim ntawm Oxycompounds thiab aniline Cheebtsam hauv Cov Roj" kuj piav qhia txog ib txoj hauv kev los tshuaj xyuas siv Deans hloov ntawm ob kab sib txawv polarity siv cov khoom siv thiab pheej yig hydrogen ion nplaim taws ntes. Rau txoj kev no, ThermoFisher Scientific tau luam tawm daim ntawv thov (Daim Ntawv Thov C GC-50). Raws li kev ua kom yooj yim, daim ntawv no qhia txog ib kab ke sai dua raws li tus qauv hauv zos DB37 / T-2650 tawm los ntawm xeev Shandong xyoo 2015 [5]. Cov txiaj ntsig tau pom tias txoj kev no yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam, nrog kev rov ua tau zoo thiab raug siab. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, txoj kev tau kho kom zoo los daws qhov teeb meem ntawm kev cuam tshuam ntawm aniline kom muaj nuj nqis los ntawm roj av matrix muaj pes tsawg leeg.

2. Txheej txheem cej luam ntawm lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm txoj kev Nyob rau hauv ib tug polar polyethylene glycol (PEG) kem, aniline tebchaw nyob rau hauv automotive roj av tau muab cais los ntawm cov roj av matrix, thiab acetophenone tau siv raws li tus qauv sab hauv. Cov ntsiab lus ntawm aniline, N-methylaniline, o-methylaniline, p-methylaniline, m-toluidine thiab N, n-dimethylaniline hauv automotive roj tau txiav txim siab los ntawm cov roj chromatograph nruab nrog nplaim hluav taws xob ionization ntes (FID), thiab cov concentration ntawm txhua feem yog xam los ntawm kev siv rau hauv tus qauv.


:ib okoj cov khoom tseem ceeb yogN-MethylAniline, purity min 99%, CAS naj npawb 100-61-8, tshuaj formula C7H9N.
2: Peb muaj tag nrho ntawm 6 cov kab ntau lawm, thiab tam sim no peb tab tom pib 2 khoom siv. Lub hli tso zis ntawm NMA yog 1000 tons.
3) Yog tias tawm ntawm Tshuag, Peb yuav tam sim ntawd qhib lwm cov cuab yeej kom ua tiav qhov kev txiav txim.
4: Tsis ntev los no, kev lag luam xav tau loj heev, tam sim no peb tab tom tawm mus tsim khoom, kev siv thev naus laus zis yog txoj kev tsim khoom tas li, uas yog, roj chromatography

5: Peb muaj nyob rau hauv Tshuag rau 500tons, tuaj yeem xa cov khoom txhua lub sijhawm.(Tab sis kuv tau txais ob peb tus neeg tuaj tham.
6: Koj puas tuaj yeem tuaj xyuas peb lub Hoobkas?

Peb nkag siab tias koj yuav xav txog peb tsuas yog peb muab koj tus nqi tsim nyog thiab qhov zoo tshaj plaws. Thov koj saib peb cov catalogue.

MIT-IVYINDUSTRYCO., LTDMit-Ivy yog cov tshuaj zoo tshaj plaws, peb yog cov chaw tsim khoom hauv Suzhou City, Anhui Province
txais tos tuaj xyuas peb lub Hoobkas.
qauv yog dawb
Kev Them Nyiaj: DA 60 Hnub
phone/whatsapp/wechat/telegram 008613805212761  info@mit-ivy.com
产品 Khoom CAS
苯胺 Aniline 62-53-3
N-甲基苯胺 N-methyl aniline hmoov 100-61-8
间甲苯胺 M-Toluidine MT 108-44-1 : kuv
对甲苯胺 P-Toluidine PT 106-49-0 : kuv
邻甲苯胺 O-Toluidine OT 95-53-4 ib
2- 甲基环戊二烯三羰基锰 MMT Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) 12108-13-3
二甲苯 Xylene 1330-20-7 : kuv
环己胺 Cyclohexylamine 108-91-8 ib
N, N-二甲基对甲苯胺 N, N-DIMETHYL -P-TOLUIDINE 99-97-8 ib
N, N-二羟乙基对甲苯胺 N, N-dihydroxyethyl-p-toluidine 3077-12-1 : kuv.
N, N-二甲基苯胺 N, N-dimethyl aniline DMA 121-69-7 ib
N-甲基-N-苄基苯胺 N-METHYL-N-BENZYLANILINE 614-30-2 ib
N, N-二氰乙基苯胺 N, N-Dicyanoethylaniline 1555-66-4
N-乙基苯胺 N-ethylaniline 103-69-5 ib
N-乙基-N-氰乙基苯胺 3-Ethylanilinopropiononitrile hmoov 148-87-8 ib
N-乙基-N-苄基苯胺 N-Benzyl-N-ethylaniline 92-59-1 : kuv
N-乙基-N-(3′-磺酸苄基)苯胺 N-Ethyl-N-benzylaniline-3′-sulfonicacid EBASA 101-11-1
对羟基苯甲酸甲酯 Methyl Hydroxybenzoate 99-76-3 ib
对羟基苯甲酸乙酯 Ethyl Hydroxybenzoate 120-47-8 : kuv
对羟基苯甲酸丙酯 Propyl paraben 94-13-3 : kuv
对羟基苯甲酸丁酯 Butyl 4-Hydroxybenzoate 94-26-8 : kuv
邻苯甲酰苯甲酸甲酯 Methyl2-benzoylbenzoate 606-28-0 : kuv
Lub npe: 豆蔻酸异丙酯; 肉豆蔻酸异丙酯; IPM; 异丙基酯; 十四烷酸异
Isopropylmyristate 110-27-0 ib
Chaw Nyob: 十六酸异丙酯; 十六酸-1-甲基乙基酯; 十六烷酸异丙酯; IPP
Isopropylpalmitate 142-91-6
硬脂酸单甘油酯 DMG Monostearin
Monoacylglyceride, MAC
123-94-4 ib
三乙酸甘油酯 Triacetin 102-76-1 : kuv
尿囊素 Allantoin 97-59-6 : kuv
三氟甲磺酸 Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid TFSA 1493-13-6 : kuv
结晶紫内酯 Crystal violet lactone cvl 1552-42-7 ib
水性工业漆 Cov txheej txheem dej
邻硝基甲苯 2-Nitrotoluene/ONT 88-72-2 ib
对硝基甲苯 4-Nitrotoluene PNT hmoov 99-99-0
间硝基甲苯 3-Nitrotoluene/MNT

**Daim ntawv ceeb toom**

Mit-Ivy yog cov khoom lag luam paub zoo, cov tshuaj tshwj xeeb thiab cov chaw tsim khoom organic intermediates nrog muaj zog R & D kev txhawb nqa hauv Suav teb.

Feem ntau koom nrog N-aniline series thiab resin curing agent khoom.

Kev Them Nyiaj: lees txais txhua qhov kev them nyiaj

Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: tom qab tau txais PO, 7 hnub



kiv cua
Xuzhou, Jiangsu, Suav teb
Xov tooj/WhatsApp:  +86 13805212761
Email:info@mit-ivy.com/ http://www.mit-ivy.com


3. Cov cuab yeej

3.1 Trace 1300E Gas Chromatograph nrog shunt / non-shunt inlet,

AS1310 tsis siv neeg sampler, Nplaim ionization ntes (FID);

3.2 Chameleon Software

3.3 Microsyringe: muaj peev xwm yog 10uL.

4. Reagents thiab cov khoom siv

4.1 Kem: Polar kem, TG-Wax, kem ntev 60m,

Sab hauv txoj kab uas hla 0.25mm, kua zaj duab xis thickness 0.25μm

4.2 Tshwj tsis yog tias tau teev tseg, cov tshuaj reagents siv nyob rau hauv txoj kev no yog analytically ntshiab thiab tso cai

Siv lwm cov reagents ntawm purity siab dua.

Reagents siv rau qhov zoo thiab ntau lub hom phiaj, suav nrog aniline (Ca #62-53-3), N-

Methylaniline (CAS # 100-61-8), O-methylaniline (CAS # 95-53-4),

P-methylaniline (CAS # 106-49-0), m-methylaniline (CAS # 188-44-)

1) thiab N, n-dimethylaniline (CAS # 121-69-7), tus qauv sab hauv yog phenylene

Ketone (CASA #96-86-2).

5. Kev sim cov txheej txheem

5.1 Tsim cov qauv nkhaus

5.1.1 Kev npaj cov txheej txheem kev daws teeb meem: Tag nrho cov qauv tshuaj yog isooctane (chromatographically ntshiab)

Dilution, raws li configured nrog rau aniline tshuaj nyob rau hauv 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1%,

Rau cov qauv qauv ntawm 1.5% thiab 2% qib, saib Table 1 rau cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws concentration.


Table 1. Standard qauv concentration rooj

Qib 1 Qib 2 Qib 3 Qib 4 Qib 5 Qib 6
N, N, thiab N, dimethylaniline 2.010 3 0.2009 0.5044 ib 1.013 ib 1.4939 ib 0.108 ib
N-methylaniline 0.2114 ib 0.4952 ib 0.9862 ib 1.5518 2.0792 ib 0.107 ib
aniline ua 2, 0113 1.5514 1.054 3 0.503 ib 0.2004 0.1067 ib
o-Toluidine 0.5197 ib 1.0019 Nws 1.4901 ib 1.9971 ib 0.2149 ib 0.105 3
p-Toluidine 1.5042 ib 2.1426 ib 0.2214 ib 0.4756 ib 1.006 1 0.1057 Nws
m-Toluidine 0.9986 ib 1.522 ib 2.0355 ib 0.2378 ib 0.5128 ib 0.1069 ib
Acetophenone 0.5197 ib 0.5256 ib 0.5329 ib 0.5473 ib 0.5448 ib 0.519 ib




5.1.2Cov qauv qauv tau txheeb xyuas raws li GC txoj hauv kev hauv Table 2

Table 2. GC txoj kev


Tsis siv neeg sampler Qauv loj: 1μL
Txhaj chaw nres nkoj hom: shunt, shunt piv 100Vaporization chamber kub: 250 ℃ Carrier gas: Nitrogen, tas li tam sim no, 1.0mL / / min
Kem qhov cub 80 ℃ (2min) -5 ℃ / min - 240 ℃ (6 min)
ntes Hydrogen ion nplaim tawsFID kub 250 ℃Hydrogen ntws35mL/minAir ntws 350mL/min

Tom qab ntws tawm 40mL / min


5.1.3 Qualitative: Cov Cheebtsam yog qhov zoo raws li lub sijhawm khaws cia ntawm txhua qhov khoom, thiab chromatogram ntawm tus qauv qauv ntawm hom raug (0.1% concentration level) yog qhia hauv daim duab 1.


Daim duab 1. Chromatogram ntawm tus qauv qauv


5.1.4 Tsim kom muaj tus qauv nkhaus. Kho cov txheej txheem calibration hauv cov txheej txheem ua cov ntaub ntawv hauv Chameleon software, hom calibration yog linear (tsis yuam dhau lub hauv paus chiv keeb), hom kev ntsuam xyuas yog thaj chaw ncov, thiab cov txheej txheem sab hauv yog sib txawv. Tus qauv nkhaus sib npaug thiab cov kab sib txuas sib txuas ntawm txhua qhov sib txuas tau pom nyob rau hauv Table 3, thiab tus qauv nkhaus ntawm txhua qhov khoom yog qhia hauv daim duab 2-7.

rooj 3. Calibration nkhaus cov ntaub ntawv


compound Lub sijhawm khaws cia (min) Linear equation Linear kev sib raug zoo(R2)
N, N-Dimethylaniline 17.301 Nws Y = 1.0739X+0.029 0.9991 ib
N-Methylaniline 21.263 Nws Y = 1.0836X+0.0048 0.9997 ib
Aniline 21.944 ib Y = 0.9947X-0.0289 0.9997 ib
o-Toluidine 23.055 Nws Y = 0.9995X-0.012 0.9995 ib
p-Toluidine 23.406 Nws Y = 0.9168X-0.046 0.9996 ib
m-methylaniline 23.957 Nws Y = 0.9747X-0.0452 0.9994 ib


5.1.5 Cov txiaj ntsig suav: Qhov sib piv ntawm thaj chaw ncov ntawm txhua qhov sib xyaw rau thaj tsam ncov ntawm acetophenone raug xam. Qhov loj ntim feem ntawm txhua qhov sib txuas nrog qhov sib piv yog nyeem tawm ntawm qhov kev kho kom haum, thiab qhov tshwm sim yog qhov tseeb rau 0.01%.

6. Cov txiaj ntsig thiab kev sib tham

6.1 Standard nkhaus: Tus qauv nkhaus yog tsim los ntawm 6 tus qauv khoom, qhov ntim concentration ntau yog los ntawm 0.01% mus rau 2.0%, thiab linear correlation coefficient R2 yog ntau dua 0.999, raws li (saib Table 3 kom paub meej).

6.2 Kev txheeb xyuas thiab kev ua kom zoo dua: Piv nrog rau Deans hloov txoj kev, ib kab ke txoj kev qhia hauv daim ntawv no muaj qhov zoo ntawm tus nqi qis, kev ua haujlwm yooj yim thiab kev tsim tawm siab. Txawm li cas los xij, qee cov khoom hauv cov roj av matrix tuaj yeem cuam tshuam rau cov tshuaj aniline.


Piv txwv li, raws li txoj kev tau piav qhia hauv daim ntawv no, thaum kuaj cov qauv roj av dawb paug, nws pom tau tias tom qab muab piv nrog cov chromatogram ntawm tus qauv qauv, muaj qhov siab tshaj plaws ntawm 0.04min (qhov dav dav ntawm lub ncov yog 0.07min) los ntawm aniline tivthaiv ntawm cov khoom txheem, uas cuam tshuam nrog kev tsom xam ntawm aniline. (saib daim duab 2)





FIG. 2. Kev sib piv ntawm aniline standard tov spectra thiab cov roj av dawb paug matrix spectra


Txhawm rau kom paub meej tias cov tshuaj no tsis yog aniline, thiab tshem tawm qhov cuam tshuam rau aniline kom muaj nuj nqis. Cov txheej txheem nyob rau hauv daim ntawv no yog optimized, thiab qhov kev pab cuam kub nce txheej txheem yog


DB37 / T-2650 piav qhia ntawm 5 ℃ / min hloov mus rau 4 ℃ / min. Cov qauv roj av matrix nrog cov qauv qauv ntxiv tau txheeb xyuas los ntawm txoj kev no. Raws li tau pom los ntawm FIG. 3,


Txoj kev ua kom zoo tuaj yeem cais cov khoom no los ntawm aniline hauv roj av matrix, thiab ua pov thawj ntxiv tias cov qauv roj tuaj yeem tau txais los ntawm DB37 / T-2650 txoj kev


Lub ncov ntawm 21.905min tsis yog aniline. Cov pab pawg cuam tshuam tau txiav txim siab ua naphthalene los ntawm qhov zoo ntawm pawg spectrometry thiab cov qauv sib piv.




FIG. 3. Kev sib piv ntawm spectra ntawm cov qauv roj, cov qauv aniline thiab roj av matrix (optimized method)





6.2 Tus nqi rov qab thiab kev sim ua kom raug: Tus qauv rov qab tus nqi sim tau ua nrog cov roj av dawb paug matrix, thiab tus qauv rov qab nrog qib ntxiv ntawm 100ppm tau ua (n = 5). Cov txiaj ntsig tau tshwm sim hauv Table 4.

rooj 4. Rov qab tus nqi thiab rov ua dua cov txiaj ntsig




lub hauv paus rov qab los(%) RSD
N, N-Dimethylaniline 99.21 ib 0.55%
N-Methylaniline 94.97 ib 0.83%
Aniline 96.83 ib 1.05%
o-Toluidine 95.11 ib 0.75%
p-Toluidine 106.66 ib 1.55%
M-methylaniline 100.12 Nws 1.35%







Qhov kev sim no yog hais txog tus qauv hauv zos DB37 / T-2650 ntawm xeev Shandong, thiab siv FID detector los kuaj cov aniline tebchaw hauv roj av. Txoj kev yog yooj yim thiab qhov tshwm sim yog txhim khu kev qha. Txawm hais tias kev cuam tshuam tuaj yeem siv rau hauv kev tshuaj xyuas tiag tiag, kev cuam tshuam ntawm naphthalene hauv qee cov roj av substrates rau aniline tsom xam tuaj yeem zam tau los ntawm kev ua kom zoo rau cov xwm txheej.

Cov ntaub ntawv:

1Zhong Shaofang, WEN Huan et al. Kev txiav txim siab ntawm Methylaniline Additives hauv Tsav Roj Hmab los ntawm Gas Chromatography [J]. Spectrum Laboratory, 2012, Volume 29, Issue 6, 3564-3567.

[2]Zhang Maolin, LI Baoding, ZHANG Yufa.Study on the determination of N-methylaniline by Spectrophotometry [J]. Phau ntawv Journal ntawm Zhengzhou Grain University, 2000, 21(2): 86-88.

3Liu Baomin, LIU Minghong, XU Hong et al. Kawm txog kev txiav txim siab ib txhij ntawm aniline, N-methylaniline thiab N, N-dimethylaniline hauv Huab cua los ntawm kev ua haujlwm siab ua kua chromatography [J]. Suav Journal of Health Inspection, 2009, 19(8): 1804-1807.

[4]Yang Yongtan, Wu Ming-qing, WANG Zheng.Kev faib khoom ntawm nitrogen-muaj cov tebchaw hauv catalytic gasoline los ntawm roj chromatography-Nitrogen chemiluminescence nrhiav [J]. Chromatography, 2010, 28(4): 336–340

DB37 / T-2650, Kev txiav txim siab ntawm aniline tebchaw hauv lub cev muaj zog roj av los ntawm roj chromatography

CAS: 100-61-8 N-MethylAniline



CAS: 100-61-8 N-MethylAniline - Factory hauv Suav teb 【MSDS】100-61-8-N-methylaniline-MIT-IVY(2) 【TDS】 100-61-8-N-methyl aniline-MIT-IVY

Post lub sij hawm: Feb-27-2024