2- (N-Ethyl-m-toluidino) ethanol CAS: 91-88-3
N-ethyl-N-hydroxyethyl m-toluidine (2-(Ethyl (m-tolyl)amino) ethanol) yog cov kua daj daj thiab xim xim nruab nrab. Siv los tsim cationic dyes, xws li cationic liab 6B. Nws kuj yog siv los ua raw khoom rau kev tsim cov xim tsim thiab tshuaj.
Kev siv: 1. Dye intermediates.
Qhov thib ob, nws yog siv los tsim cationic dyes, xws li cationic liab 6B.
3. Siv los ua raw khoom rau kev tsim cov xim tsim thiab tshuaj.
txoj kev tsim khoom
1. m-toluidine txoj kev
Nws yog npaj los ntawm m-toluidine thiab ethyl iodide ua raw khoom.
Ob, N-ethyl m-toluidine txoj kev
Nws yog npaj los ntawm kev siv N-ethyl m-toluidine ua raw khoom thiab reacting nrog chloroethanol (los yog ethylene oxide).
N, N-Dimethylformamide CAS 68-12-2
Dimethylformamide yog cov kua tsis muaj xim thiab pob tshab. Nws tsis yog tsuas yog siv dav siv tshuaj raw khoom, tab sis kuj yog ib qho hnyav hnyav nrog ntau yam kev siv. Dimethylformamide yog ib qho tseem ceeb raw khoom rau kws tshuaj, petrochemical, tawv thiab lwm yam lag luam.
Dimethylformamide yog hu ua DMF. Nws yog ib qho sib xyaw ua ke uas cov pab pawg hydroxyl ntawm formic acid hloov los ntawm ib pawg dimethylamino, nrog rau cov mis molecular HCON (CH3) 2. Nws yog xim tsis muaj xim thiab pob tshab ua kua ua kua nrog lub teeb amine tsw thiab qhov txheeb ze ntawm 0.9445 (25 ℃). Melting point -61 ℃. Kub taw tes 152.8 ℃. Flash point 57.78 ℃. Vapor ceev 2.51. Vapor siab 0.49kpa (3.7mmHg25 ℃). Autoignition point yog 445 ℃. Qhov tawg txwv ntawm chav thiab huab cua sib tov yog 2.2 ~ 15.2%. Kev qhib nplaim taws thiab kub kub yuav ua rau combustion thiab tawg. Nws tuaj yeem hnov mob hnyav nrog cov concentrated sulfuric acid thiab fuming nitric acid thiab txawm tawg. Nws yog miscible nrog dej thiab feem ntau cov organic solvents Chemicalbook. Nws yog ib qho hnyav rau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv. Ntshiab dimethylformamide tsis muaj ntxhiab, tab sis qib kev lag luam lossis cov khoom tsis zoo dimethylformamide muaj cov ntxhiab tsw ntxhiab vim nws muaj dimethylamine impurities. Lub npe los ntawm qhov tseeb tias nws yog dimethyl hloov ntawm formamide (amide ntawm formic acid), thiab ob pawg methyl nyob rau ntawm N (nitrogen) atom. Dimethylformamide yog polar (hydrophilic) aprotic hnyav nrog lub siab kub, uas tuaj yeem txhawb nqa SN2 cov tshuaj tiv thaiv. Dimethylformamide yog tsim los ntawm formic acid thiab dimethylamine. Dimethylformamide tsis ruaj khov (tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob rau hauv qhov kub thiab txias) nyob rau hauv lub xub ntiag ntawm lub hauv paus muaj zog xws li sodium hydroxide los yog muaj zog acids xws li hydrochloric acid los yog sulfuric acid, thiab hydrolyzes rau formic acid thiab dimethylamine.
Nws yog ruaj khov heev nyob rau hauv cov huab cua thiab thaum rhuab mus boiling. Thaum qhov kub siab tshaj 350 ° C, nws poob dej thiab tsim carbon monoxide thiab dimethylamine. N, N-dimethylformamide yog ib qho zoo heev aprotic polar solvent uas tuaj yeem yaj feem ntau cov organic thiab inorganic tshuaj thiab miscible nrog dej, cawv, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, esters, halogenated hydrocarbons thiab aromatic hydrocarbons. . Qhov txiaj ntsig zoo kawg ntawm N, N-dimethylformamide molecule yog nyob ib puag ncig los ntawm methyl pawg, tsim ib qho kev tiv thaiv kab mob uas tiv thaiv cov ions tsis zoo los ntawm kev mus txog thiab tsuas yog koom nrog cov ions zoo. Cov anions liab qab muaj zog ntau dua li kev daws cov anions. Ntau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ionic yooj yim dua rau hauv N, N-dimethylformamide dua li cov kuab tshuaj protic. Piv txwv li, carboxylates thiab halogenated hydrocarbons teb nyob rau hauv N, N-dimethylformamide ntawm chav tsev kub. , tuaj yeem tsim cov esters nrog cov txiaj ntsig siab, thiab tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tsim nyog rau kev sib txuas ntawm sterically hindered esters.
N, N-Diethylaniline CAS: 91-66-7
N, N-Diethylaniline CAS: 91-66-7
Colorless rau daj kua. Nws muaj ntxhiab tsw tshwj xeeb. Me ntsis soluble nyob rau hauv dej, soluble nyob rau hauv organic solvents xws li ethanol, ether, chloroform thiab benzene. Muab los ntawm cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntawm aniline thiab ethyl chloride. Cov khoom siv raw quota: aniline 645kg / t, ethyl chloride (95%) 1473kg / t, caustic soda (42%) 1230kg / t, phthalic anhydride 29kg / t.
Nws tuaj yeem siv los npaj azo dyes, triphenylmethane dyes, thiab lwm yam. Nws kuj yog ib qho tseem ceeb nruab nrab rau cov synthesis ntawm cov tshuaj thiab xim zaj duab xis developers, thiab nws daim ntawv thov yog dav heev.
Cia: Lub warehouse yog ventilated thiab qhuav ntawm qhov kub thiab txias; khaws cia cais los ntawm cov kua qaub, oxidants thiab zaub mov additives. -
Polyethylene-polyamines CAS: 68131-73-7
Polyethylene-polyamines CAS: 68131-73-7
Cov tsos ntawm txiv kab ntxwv-liab mus rau xim av viscous kua.
Siv: Siv los ua anion pauv resin, ion pauv membrane, crude roj demulsifier, lubricating roj additive, thiab lwm yam. Kuj tseem siv los ua epoxy resin curing tus neeg saib xyuas thiab cyanide-dawb plating additive.
Solubility: soluble nyob rau hauv dej thiab ethanol, insoluble nyob rau hauv ether, yooj yim absorbs ya raws thiab carbon dioxide nyob rau hauv cov huab cua, thiab cov ntaub ntawv coj mus rau ntsev nrog acids, uas yuav solidify ntawm tsawg kub.
Nws yog qhov yooj yim heev rau tawg thaum raug cuam tshuam, kev sib txhuam, qhib nplaim taws lossis lwm yam khoom siv hluav taws xob. Khaws rau hauv ib qho chaw txias, qhuav thiab cua tshuab rau cov khoom tawg. Qhov ntsuas kub tsis tshaj 32 ° C thiab cov av noo tsis tshaj 80%. Khaws kom deb ntawm qhov hluav taws kub thiab qhov chaw kub. Lawv yuav tsum tau muab cais los ntawm oxidants, acids, thiab alkalis, thiab tsis txhob sib xyaw cia. Nruab nrog qhov tsim nyog ntau yam thiab ntau ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob. Cov ntaub ntawv tsim nyog yuav tsum muaj nyob rau hauv qhov chaw cia kom muaj cov khoom nchuav. Tsis muaj kev vibration, cuam tshuam thiab kev sib txhuam.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid CAS: 60-00-4
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid CAS: 60-00-4
tshuaj muaj zog
Cov khoom no crystallizes tawm ntawm dej raws li cov hmoov dawb. Solubility hauv dej ntawm 25 ℃ yog 0.5g / L. Insoluble nyob rau hauv dej txias, cawv thiab cov organic solvents. Soluble nyob rau hauv sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate thiab ammonia daws.
Txoj kev tsim khoom:
Cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntawm ethylenediamine thiab chloroacetic acid. Ntxiv 100kg ntawm chloroacetic acid, 100kg ntawm dej khov thiab 135kg ntawm sodium hydroxide tov (30%) rau hauv cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kettle, thiab ces ntxiv 18kg ntawm 83% mus rau 84% ethylenediamine nyob rau hauv stirring. Incubate ntawm 15 ° C rau 1 teev. Ntxiv 30Chemicalbook% sodium hydroxide tov nyob rau hauv batch ntawm 10L txhua zaus. Tom qab txhua qhov sib ntxiv, ntxiv lwm batch tom qab cov tshuaj phenolphthalein kuaj tsis pom liab. Khaws rau hauv chav sov li 12 teev. Tshav kub rau 90 ° C thiab decolorize nrog activated carbon. Lim, ntxuav cov lim seem nrog dej, thiab thaum kawg kho tus nqi pH mus rau 3 nrog concentrated hydrochloric acid. Txias thiab crystallize, lim thiab ntxuav nrog dej kom txog thaum tsis muaj cov tshuaj chloride ion. Cov khoom qhuav.
Cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ethylenediamine nrog formaldehyde thiab sodium cyanide. Sib tov 60% ethylenediamine aqueous tov, 30% sodium cyanide aqueous tov thiab sodium hydroxide, thiab khaws cov sib tov ntawm 20 ° C rau 0.5h. Tom qab ntawd ntxiv formaldehyde aqueous tov dropwise. Tom qab cov tshuaj tiv thaiv, cov chemicalbook tau decompressed thiab cov dej evaporated. Tom qab ntawd rov ua cov haujlwm saum toj no, ntxiv cov formaldehyde ntau dhau rau lub sijhawm kawg kom tso cai rau sodium cyanide kom hnov qab tag nrho. Kho pH rau 1.2 nrog dilute acid. Ib tug dawb precipitate precipitated, lim, ntxuav nrog dej, thiab qhuav ntawm 110 ° C. Tau cov khoom.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) yog ib qho tseem ceeb complexing neeg sawv cev. EDTA yog siv dav thiab tuaj yeem siv los ua cov tshuaj pleev xim rau hauv kev ua cov xim photosensitive cov ntaub ntawv, dyeing auxiliaries, fiber processing auxiliaries, cosmetic additives, blood anticoagulants, detergents, stabilizers, synthetic rubber polymerization initiators, EDTA yog ib tug chelate sawv cev. Nws tuaj yeem tsim cov dej-soluble tshuaj lom neeg ruaj khov nrog cov hlau alkali, cov ntsiab lus tsis tshua muaj hauv ntiaj teb thiab cov hlau hloov pauv. Ntxiv nrog rau cov ntsev ntsev, tseem muaj cov ntsev ammonium thiab ntau cov ntsev xws li hlau, magnesium, calcium, tooj liab, manganese, zinc, cobalt, thiab txhuas. Txhua cov ntsev no muaj kev siv sib txawv. Tsis tas li ntawd, EDTA tseem tuaj yeem siv los tshem tawm cov hluav taws xob tsis zoo los ntawm tib neeg lub cev thiab ua lub luag haujlwm detoxifying. Nws kuj yog tus neeg sawv cev kho dej. EDTA kuj yog ib qho tseem ceeb qhia, tab sis nws yog siv los titrate hlau npib tsib xee, tooj liab, thiab lwm yam. Thaum siv, nws yuav tsum tau siv ua ke nrog ammonia los ua qhov taw qhia. -
Tom ntej: Disodium edetate Dihydrate CAS: 6381-92-6
Tom ntej: Disodium edetate Dihydrate CAS: 6381-92-6
Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (tseem hu ua disodium EDTA) yog ib tug muaj zog chelate agent. Vim nws qhov ruaj khov ruaj khov thiab muaj kev sib koom tes dav dav, nws tuaj yeem cuam tshuam nrog feem ntau cov hlau ions tshwj tsis yog cov hlau alkali (xws li hlau, tooj liab, calcium, magnesium thiab lwm yam ntau yam ions) chelate los tsim cov dej-soluble complexes, tshem tawm cov hlau ions lossis teeb meem tshwm sim los ntawm lawv.
Disodium EDTA yog dawb crystalline hmoov uas yog soluble hauv dej thiab yuav luag insoluble hauv ethanol thiab ether. Tus nqi pH ntawm nws cov tshuaj aqueous yog kwv yees li 5.3 thiab yog siv rau hauv cov tshuaj detergents, dyeing auxiliaries, fiber processing agents, cosmetic additives, food additives, Agriculture micro-fertilizers and Mariculture, etc.
Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate yog siv rau hauv cov khoom noj, tshuaj, tshuaj pleev ib ce thiab lwm yam khoom. Khoom noj khoom haus-qib disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate tuaj yeem siv los ua kom ruaj khov, coagulant, antioxidant thiab preservative, thiab tuaj yeem tiv thaiv xim thiab tiv thaiv oxidation. , anti-corrosion synergy thiab stabilizing nyhuv. -
Tom ntej: Sodium edetate CAS 64-02-8
Tom ntej: Sodium edetate CAS 64-02-8
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) muaj 4 pawg carboxyl thiab feem ntau tuaj yeem tsim disalt, trisalt thiab tetrasalt. Feem ntau EDTA ntsev muaj xws li disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA-2Na), tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA-4Na), dipotassium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA-2K) thiab ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Tripotassium (EDTA-3K). Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA-4Na) yog ib qho khoom siv ntau yam organic me me uas muaj cov amino thiab carboxyl pawg. Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv analytical chemistry raws li ib tug complexing neeg sawv cev.
Cov khoom siv tshuaj lom neeg: Dawb crystalline hmoov. Soluble hauv dej thiab acid, insoluble hauv cawv, benzene thiab chloroform.
Tetrasodium EDTA yog ib qho tseem ceeb complexing tus neeg saib xyuas thiab hlau npog tus neeg sawv cev. Nws tuaj yeem siv rau hauv dyeing hauv kev lag luam textile, kev kho dej zoo, xim photosensitivity, tshuaj, tshuaj niaj hnub, papermaking thiab lwm yam lag luam, ua ib qho additive, activator, dej purifier, metallic ion masking agent thiab activator hauv styrene-butadiene roj hmab kev lag luam. . Nyob rau hauv cov txheej txheem qhuav acrylic kev lag luam, nws muaj peev xwm offset hlau cuam tshuam thiab txhim kho cov xim thiab brightness ntawm dyed fabrics. Nws kuj tseem siv tau rau hauv cov kua detergents los txhim kho kev ntxhua khaub ncaws zoo thiab txhim khu kev ntxuav. -
Tris (dimethylaminomethyl)phenol CAS 90-72-2
Tris (dimethylaminomethyl) phenol
CAS Nr .: 90-72-2
Txoj kev tsim khoom
Ntxiv phenol thiab 40% dimethylamine aqueous tov rau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kettle, do thiab sib tov tusyees, txias kom qis dua 20 ° C, maj mam ntxiv 30% formaldehyde aqueous tov nyob rau hauv stirring, thiab tswj kom tiav qhov sib ntxiv hauv qab no 30 ° C. Ntxiv qhov sib tov ntawm 25-30 ° C rau 1 teev, tom qab ntawd nce qhov kub ntawm 90-95 ° C thiab rov qab rau 2 teev. Ntxiv ntsev kom cais cov dej theem, thiab cais cov roj txheej rau fractionation nyob rau hauv lub siab txo kom tau cov khoom tiav. Cov khoom lag luam cov ntsiab lus yog ntau dua 95%.
Cov tsos mob: tsis muaj xim lossis lub teeb daj pob tshab kua. Hluav taws kub.
Siv los ua tus neeg sawv cev kho rau thermosetting epoxy resins, adhesives, sealants rau cov ntaub ntawv laminate thiab pem teb, acid neutralizers thiab catalysts hauv kev tsim cov polyurethane. -
Daj hygroscopic pob tshab viscous kua nrog pungent ammonia tsw, flammable thiab muaj zog alkaline. Soluble nyob rau hauv dej, acetone, benzene, ether, methanol, thiab lwm yam., insoluble nyob rau hauv n-heptane, thiab corrosive rau tooj liab thiab nws alloys. Melting point -35 ℃. Kub taw tes 207 ℃. kwv tij density o. 9586. Flash point 94 ℃. Refractive index 1. 4810. Cov khoom no muaj cov reactivity ntawm theem nrab amines thiab yooj yim reacts nrog ntau yam sib txuas. Nws cov derivatives muaj ntau yam kev siv.
Cov khoom no yog siv los ua cov kuab tshuaj thiab cov organic synthesis nruab nrab, thiab tuaj yeem siv los npaj epoxy resin curing agents, gas purifiers (rau CO2 tshem tawm), lubricating oil additives, emulsifiers, photographic chemicals, surfactants, and fabric finishing agents. , ntawv enhancer, aminocarboxylic complexing tus neeg saib xyuas, hlau chelating tus neeg saib xyuas, hnyav hlau hydrometallurgy thiab cyanide-dawb electroplating diffusion tus neeg saib xyuas, brightener, thiab hluavtaws ion pauv resin thiab polyamide resin, thiab lwm yam. -
N-МЕТИЛАНИЛИН NMA МОНОМЕТИЛАНИЛИН 292142000 N-Methylaniline CAS 100-61-8 NMA qauv yog dawb muaj nyob rau hauv Tshuag
Khoom npe: N-Methylaniline
CAS: 100-61-8
Cov mis mos molecular: C7H9N
Molecular Luj: 107.15
EINECS No.: 202-870-9
Purity: ≥99%
Cov tsos mob: lub teeb daj kua
CAS Nr .: 100-61-8
Lub npe tshuaj: N-Methylaniline
Synonyms ANILINOMETHANE; methylaniline-n; N-METHYLANILINE; n-methyl-anilin; N-methyl-ANLINE; n'-Bicthylanilin; Methylphenylamine; MONOMETHYLANILINE; Ortho TOLUIDINE MI; N-Methylaniline>
Chaw nres nkoj: txhua qhov chaw nres nkoj hauv Suav teb
Packing: Raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau
Cia: Khaws rau hauv qhov chaw qhuav, tsaus thiab qhov cua.
Kev thauj mus los: los ntawm hiav txwv lossis los ntawm huab cua
Kev them nyiaj: L / C, T / T, D / A, D / P, O / A, paypal, western union thiab lwm yam. lees txais tag nrho cov nyiaj them. -
N-Methylaniline CAS 100-61-8 NMA Hoobkas qauv yog dawb muaj nyob rau hauv Tshuag
Khoom npe: N-Methylaniline
CAS: 100-61-8
Cov mis mos molecular: C7H9N
Molecular Luj: 107.15
EINECS No.: 202-870-9
Purity: ≥99%
Cov tsos mob: lub teeb daj kua
CAS Nr .: 100-61-8
Lub npe tshuaj: N-Methylaniline
Synonyms ANILINOMETHANE; methylaniline-n; N-METHYLANILINE; n-methyl-anilin; N-methyl-ANLINE; n'-Bicthylanilin; Methylphenylamine; MONOMETHYLANILINE; Ortho TOLUIDINE MI; N-Methylaniline>
Chaw nres nkoj: txhua qhov chaw nres nkoj hauv Suav teb
Packing: Raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau
Cia: Khaws rau hauv qhov chaw qhuav, tsaus thiab qhov cua.
Kev thauj mus los: los ntawm hiav txwv lossis los ntawm huab cua
Kev them nyiaj: L / C, T / T, D / A, D / P, O / A, paypal, western union thiab lwm yam. lees txais tag nrho cov nyiaj them. -
Monomethylaniline; N-methylaminobenzene; N-monomethylaniline; (methylamino) benzene; N-methylaniline / CAS: 103-69-5 Hoobkas hauv Suav teb
N-methylaniline yog cov khoom siv tshuaj zoo nrog ntau yam kev siv. Nws yog tsuas yog siv los ua tshuaj tua kab, dyes, dye intermediates, roj hmab additives thiab explosive stabilizers. Nws tuaj yeem siv los ua cov kuab tshuaj thiab cov kua qaub, thiab ua cov organic synthesis nruab nrab. lub cev, acid absorbent thiab hnyav. Nyob rau hauv kev lag luam dyeing, nws yog siv nyob rau hauv zus tau tej cov cationic ci ntsa iab liab FG, cationic liab B, reactive daj-xim av KGR, thiab lwm yam. Nws kuj yuav siv tau los ua kom cov octane tus naj npawb ntawm cov roj av thiab organic synthesis, thiab kuj siv tau. raws li qhov hnyav.
CAS: 100-61-8
Synonyms: Monomethylaniline; N-methylaminobenzene; N-monomethylaniline; (methylamino) benzene; benzenamine, n-methyl-; benzenenamine, n-methyl-
Txuj: HG/T 3409-2010
Physicochemical khoom
Nws yog inflammable thiab tawg thaum nws los nyob rau hauv kev sib cuag nrog hluav taws kub, kub thiab oxidizers. Nws yog daj ntseg daj lossis xim av xim av uas yaj hauv cawv, ether chloroform thiab semisoluble hauv dej.Qhov hnyav molecular yog 107.15, kub taw tes yog 194-197 ℃ thiab melting point yog -57 ℃.
Daim ntawv thov
Cov khoom no tsuas yog siv rau cov tshuaj tua kab nruab nrab, dyestuff intermediate, tshuaj nruab nrab thiab cov khoom siv hluavtaws, nrog rau kev siv roj av octane booster, acid absorbent, hnyav thiab tawg stabilizer.